if you are using a laptop that lacks a Num Pad, you may have trouble speaking the ZoomText hotkeys that use "Num Pad 5" you can work around this by modifying the hotkey for these in the Hotkeys dialog box that's found in the Settings menu e.g."Press Control") fortunately, you can use "Press Alt Shift Q" for the Quiet command DNS won't accept a single modifier (e.g.if DNS is misrecognizing a letter, use the radio alphabet e.g.I've had better success with "Press Alt Control W" than with "Press Control Alt W" These hotkeys will allow you to adjust and operate the most commonly used features and settings without having to switch away from your application. if DNS is not recognizing one of the modifier keys when speaking multiple keys, try switching the order e.g. ZoomText Global The Essential ZoomText 11 Hotkeys To use ZoomText in your applications, it is helpful to learn and use the Essential Commands essential hotkeys.do not pause in the middle of one of these commands pause before and after.

#Zoomtext 11 hotkeys windows#
Require "click" to select hyperlinks in HTML windows.Results Box: uncheck Anchor to allow Results Box to float around the window as you dictate.if a DragonBar menu is visible in the Freeze Window, you cannot bring the keyboard focus to it or click it with the mouse - you need to navigate to the part of the screen that contains the actual DragonBar to interact with it.

#Zoomtext 11 hotkeys full#